Reban Ayam In English
Human translations with examples.
Reban ayam in english. Search nearly 14 million words and phrases in more than 470 language pairs. Contextual translation of reban ayam into english. Found 1 sentences matching phrase reban ayam found in 0 ms. Human translations with examples.
They come from many sources and are not checked. Nilu flock sprain melaram tawakal meroyan. Found 4 sentences matching phrase reban found in 1 ms. United states restricted mode.
Reban ayam tertutup 2 blog archive 2017 2 january 2 2011 21 june 1 may 20 panduan penternakan ayam pedaging. They come from many sources and are not checked. Translation memories are created by human but computer aligned which might cause mistakes. English words for ayam include chicken fowl hen hens poultry and chickens.
Pimp coop flock chicken drumstick baja ayam sangkar arnab curry chicken. Reban ayam in indonesian english dictionary. Reban ayam kampung reban tunnel unik duration. English words for reban ayam include henhouse hen house hen house and chickencoop.
Ayam pedaging gallus gallus. Translation memories are created by human but computer aligned which might cause mistakes.